This coming Fall our women's bible study is gearing up for the Old Testament book of Jonah - you know, the story with the BIG FISH. Actually its more than just a fish story; it's a story of prejudice, of desiring personal comfort over the spiritual need of others, of not wanting God to be gracious to our enemies. Check it out.
In the first chapter we see God giving Jonah the task to preach to the wicked Ninevites to repent. Ahhh, but Jonah doesn't want the Ninevites to repent because then they might receive forgiveness from the Lord. He doesn't think his arch-enemies deserve God's graciousness.
Three times in the opening chapter we read that Jonah 'flees from the Lord's presence.' He is a very reluctant prophet!
In the end, Jonah did what God called him to do, but still with a reluctant, petulant spirit.
This summer I have been considering the Hebrew word Hineni. (Hebrew is the original language of the Old Testament.) It means "Here I am".
It is the word Abraham used when God called to him on Mt. Moriah...and Abraham said Hineni, here I am.
It is the word Jacob used when God called him to go down to Egypt and not be afraid...and Jacob said Hineni, here I am.
It is the response from Moses when God called to him from the burning bush...and Moses replied: Hineni, here I am.
It is the reply of the young Samuel when God called him...Hineni, here I am.
It is the response of Isaiah when he got a vision of the heavenly throne room of God...Hineni, here I am.
There is so much more to this Hebrew word than just 'being present'. It is being present with all my being, physically and spiritually, with my heart wide open to hear and obey whatever it is God is calling me to do. It is saying a total yes before even knowing what the task will be.
And oh those tasks...
"Abraham, offer your son Isaac..." "Jacob, leave this land I've promised you and go down to Egypt..." "Moses, go up against Pharaoh and lead my people out of the fiery furnace..." "Young Samuel, tell the Priest Eli that I am about to bring the dreadful curse against his house and all his descendants will die young..." "Isaiah, speak to these stiff-necked people and tell them what I am about to do. But they will not listen to you..."
What different hearts than the reluctant heart of the prophet Jonah!
And yet...
too often I find myself more like Jonah than Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Samuel and Isaiah.
I know I am not alone. As I was praying for our women leaders this week I prayed that we would be 'Hineni Women', fully committed before we even know what the task ahead will involve, what difficulties might lie ahead as we seek to obey God's call on our lives, how the enemy might attack...
And I wondered...
Did God every say Hineni?
Oh what joy! Hear the word of the Lord:
"Then you will call, and the Lord will answer;
you will cry for help, and
He will say: Hineni - here I Am."
Isaiah 58:9
What a comfort to our ministry as we go into this year, praying to be less like Jonah and more like "Hineni Women". The great Hineni - here I AM answers us when we call on Him.
If you live in the Visalia/Tulare area and would like to join us as we study this little book we would welcome you!
Tuesday 9/3 9:15am-11:15am
Wednesday 9/4 6:15pm-8:00pm
Nursery: Birth-3 years old
Elevate Junior: 3-5 years old