Sometimes when I read a verse from the Bible that is very familiar to me, I like to 'unpack' it using Hebrew (the original language of the Old Testament). Doing so will often deepen the impact of God's Word for me. Here is one of my favorites.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart"
bittachon: trust, feel safe and secure; the emotional acceptance of the goodness of the Lord; having complete trust that He cares for you.
"lean not on your own understanding"
sa'an: to support oneself; resting your weight against something to give it support.
biynah: understanding, comprehension, discernment, right action.
"In all your ways (i.e., 'paths')"
derek: your comings and goings; throughout the Old Testament 'path' or 'way' is used for one's journey through life).
"acknowledge Him"
yada: to experience relationally; emphasizes the knowledge one has because of intimate experience. It is the same word used for marital intimacy in Scripture.
"and He will direct your path"
yasar: make straight, smooth, even.
My reflection on this verse becomes: Be safe, secure and confident with God in every part of your being - your mind, will, soul and emotions - having complete trust that He cares for you. When you need support, don't lean in towards your own comprehension or discernment; it will not hold you up. Lean closely into the Lord. In all of your comings and goings, your lying down and rising up, as you journey through life, experience God in every part. Come to know Him in deep intimacy. Experience His goodness and love in every part of your life, the good and the bad, and He will make your journey straight.
Thanks Jeannie. So great to see a verse broken down like that!