Thursday, May 2, 2013

Forgetting My Father's Language


I correspond with a brother-in-the-Lord, an American national living in a foreign country.  He is married to a woman from that country and has two young children.  Our correspondence has been entirely through email, as he has been incarcerated overseas for almost two years now. 

Recently I received an email from him that he has given me permission to share. 

"I just want to talk to my children.  Over time away from my family my son has forgotten the English language.  Every so often he comes to visit me here.

I so enjoy those visits.  I love him so much.  Being six years old and a normal kid, he has remembered how to ask for a toy.  Never do I say no and I happily authorize his new toy every time.  He's my son and I love him!  However, I do wish we could speak together about heavier and deeper things than the next gift; but he's forgotten his father's language from lack of use.

The sadness from not being able to talk to my own child, my own flesh and blood, is sometimes overwhelming.  That sadness is often offset by my joy at seeing his pleasure in receiving a gift that I send him.  The joy it brings me is the reason I say yes when he asks.  Sometimes I send him things that will bring him joy before he even asks.

I think of my heavenly Father and the parallel between my relationship with Him.  Jeannie, do you ever feel the same about your relationship with our Lord?  How many times has our Father been thrilled to give us what we shallowly ask for simply because it gladdens His heart to give joy to His children.  How many times has He sent us unasked-for blessings because He is happy to do so?

When I am reunited with my son he will assuredly become proficient once again in my language and I long for that day.  How much more my heavenly Father must long for me to communicate proficiently in the language of heaven.  It is a language of love, spirit, hope, the written word, and joy.

As I will teach my son English when we are reunited, God will teach us the language of heaven when He comes.  But we need not wait.  The language and love of heaven can be in our hearts today.  The Spirit of God longs to put it there.

Our Father longs to hear from us; even if it is only to ask for a toy.  Talk to Him today!"

"Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake?  Or if he asks for an egg will give him a scorpion?  If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will our Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!
Luke 11:11-13

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