Monday, March 21, 2011

Morning Reflections on the Love of God

John's Gospel is one of my favorite books of the New Testament.  In his gospel he calls himself simply 'the disciple Jesus loved'.  I long to identify myself with that simple yet profound description too.  O Lord, to know Your love in my life as the Apostle John did: to be so overcome by it and identified by it and wrapped in it that I'm no longer 'Jeannie' but simply 'the disciple Jesus loved'.  How would my life change if all that was necessary for me to understand who I am when I stand in the grace of God is that I too am 'the disciple Jesus loved'.  The lack is not that God hasn't shown the fullness of His love for me, but that I have not yet been able " grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge..." (Eph. 3)

I think its significant that John calls himself the disciple Jesus loved, not simply a disciple.  When you belong to Christ you are the disciple too.  John grasped it; he came to know the love that surpasses knowledge.

O Lord, help me to grasp it too.

1 comment:

  1. Jeannie, this is so awesome (Psalm 47:2). You are glorifying God through this blog. Many many eyes be opened through it!
    I have heard you say how much you want to be" the disciple Jesus loved>" It is beautiful in writing.
    love, your sister in Christ
    Susan Reitsma
