Sunday, November 27, 2011

What's In A Name?

Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign:
the virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son,
and they will call him 'Immanuel'
(Isaiah 7:14)

I am intrigued by names given to newborns these days.  In our church family recent names such as Scarlett Trace and Wren hold special meaning for the parents.  Scarlett was chosen because of its sound and the idea that it is a classic name brought back to life, while her middle name was given to honor her godly grandmother, Tracie.  Cute little Wren was named to honor her grandfather, Warren.

The names today's celebrities sometimes choose for their offspring, however, can defy understanding.  Often these very 'creative' names sound quite bizarre to us:  Sparrow Midnight, Pilot Inspektor and Apple.

In biblical times babies weren't named after relatives or because the parents liked how the name sounded.  Instead names were given to newborns to signify their character and promised future.  Often these names would prove prophetic.

We are familiar with the story of Abram ('father') whose name was changed by God to Abraham ('father of many  nations'). Genesis 17  His son was named Isaac ('laughter') because God brought his mother Sarah great laughter and joy in bearing a son in her old age. Genesis 21    One of Isaac's grandsons was named Levi ('attachment') and indeed the tribe of Levi would attach themselves to God during the incident of the golden calf. Exodus 32

Naomi's sons Nahlon ('sickly') and Kilion ('puny') in the book of Ruth were destined for early deaths, leaving young widows.

There there is Jacob ('heel grabber, supplanter') whose name implies trickery and deception; he lived most of his live deceiving and being deceived.

It wasn't until one night when he feared for his very life that Jacob cried out to God.  All through that dark night he wrestled, wept and begged for God's favor.  At dawn the Lord did bless Jacob by giving him a new name, a name which called him to a new character and a new future.  He would no longer be known as Jacob the deceiver but by the name Israel ('one who struggles with God, God prevails').Genesis 32, Hosea 12  Out of him would come the nation Israel and out of that nation would be born another Child - One Who calls all men everywhere to a new character and an eternal hope.  His name is Immanuel.

Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord
by the prophet, saying,
the virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son,
and they will call him 'Immanuel' which means 'God with us'.
(Matthew 1:22, 23)

This mysterious God Who spoke the world into creation kept the promise He made through Isaiah and left the glory of His throne to be born as a little baby in a manger on that first Christmas night, so that He could be 'God with us'.

He is still with us, keeping His promise that He will never leave or forsake us, He will be with us always to the very end of the age.  He will forever be Immanuel and He still offers men everywhere a new character and a new future.

Perhaps you, like Jacob, struggle with who you are.  You have lived too long under an identity that you wish to leave behind.  You long for a new character, one with a hope and a future.  Do you wonder if it is possible to start this day as a new creation, with a new name?  Come to Bethlehem; come to the baby born in a manger so many Christmas's ago; come to the One Who is named Immanuel - God with us; this Christmas He has a new name for you.  Come.

Prayer:  Thank You Lord for choosing to be 'Immanuel' and calling us to a new name in You.  May we mature into that new character and new future as we grow in You.  Amen.

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